

How does a fleet of seven cars become a global mobility leader spanning six continents?

企业移动性, 这一切都是通过雄心勃勃的领导层实现的,他们从不忽视我们的成功赖以建立的联系和社区. 了解我们历史上的关键时刻和里程碑,了解一个家族企业如何成为全球移动行业的领导者.

在成为一个家喻户晓的名字之前,企业这个品牌是St. 路易斯海军老兵杰克C. 泰勒.

刚服完兵役, Jack invested his life’s savings in his new venture, basing its founding principles on those he learned aboard USS Enterprise. 从一开始, 杰克对诚信的承诺, 努力工作, collaboration and camaraderie were the basis of the organization he built.



As other car rental companies focused on airports, Jack took a different path. Starting with a small fleet of seven cars operating out of the lower level of a St. 路易斯汽车经销商, 正是在这里,杰克塑造了我们的商业模式, listening to his customers who needed to rent cars where they lived and worked. 在早期, 正是杰克的远见造就了一个无与伦比的社区网络,直到今天仍然存在.



杰克, 同事就像家人一样——不久之后, Jack’s actual family was helping steer Enterprise toward success. Having grown up inside the business and equipped with a unique view, Jack’s son, Andy C. 泰勒就任总统 & 1991年的CEO. 二十多年来,安迪塑造了该组织的愿景,并帮助它成长为今天强大的行业领导者,同时继续担任杰克在其成立时建立的价值观的管家.

BET9官方APP下载,并一路晋升, 通过不断增长的特许经营合作伙伴网络,帮助扩大公司的国际影响力.

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In 2013, Enterprise Holdings (as it was known at the time) appointed its first female CEO, three-decade veteran 业务的 Pam 尼科尔森. 尼科尔森, 她刚从大学毕业就以管理培训生的身份开始了在企业的BET9官方APP下载,并一路晋升, 通过不断增长的特许经营合作伙伴网络,帮助扩大公司的国际影响力.

Jack’s granddaughter, 克里斯泰勒, has led Enterprise since 2020.


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As the third generation of the 泰勒 family to guide the organization, Chrissy正在追求新兴技术, 雄心勃勃的可持续发展努力和新的客户服务优势将推动企业移动及其附属公司走向未来. 今天, 克丽丝在开车, 新一代具有BET9九州体育娱乐入口精神的领导者正在塑造公司历史的下一个伟大篇章.